Press Releases

ARNO welcome the Rohingya Act

ARNO welcome the Rohingya Act

The Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) extends profound gratitude to the United States Congress for the historic enact of the Rohingya Genocide Accountability and Protection (GAP) Act, commonly referred to as the Rohingya Act.This critical legislation marks...

Arakan Magazine – Issue 8/2024
Arakan Magazine – Issue 8/2024

In This Issue: 

  • The Rohingya Genocide : A prolonged Crisis Unaddressed by Regional and International Communities
  • Rohingya Genocide Victim Women and Children: Severely Traumatized and Facing Catastrophic Consequences
  • In Conversation with Dr. Melanie O’ Brien
  • Maung Ni Massacre: Arakan Army Drone and Mortar Strikes Kill 36 Rohingya Civilians
  • 150 Rohingya Dead in Myanmar: Arakan Army Held Responsible for Devastating Drone Strike
  • Rohingya Relocation Sparks Concerns: Arakan Army’s Role in Changing Rakhine’s Demographic Landscape
  • Press Release: ARNA Condemn Aerial Attacks on Rohingya Communities in Maungdaw Township, Rakhine State​​​
  • Press Release: ARNO condemns Aerial Assault on Rohingya by Arakan Army

Latest News

ARNO condemns Aerial Assault on Rohingya by Arakan Army

ARNO has strongly condemned the series of drone attacks by the Arakan Army targeting Rohingya civilians and homes in several Rohingya villages with intent to destroy or force the remaining Rohingya people to flee from Maungdaw town and surrounding areas. On 5th August...

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ARNO commemorates democracy activists executed in Burma

It has been two years since pro-democracy activists; Phyo Zeyar Thaw, Kyaw Min Yu (Ko Jimmy), Hla Myo Aung, and Aung Thura Zaw, were executed by the Myanmar military junta in 2022. Their deaths were reportedly the first judicial executions to take place in the country...

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Meeks Celebrates Committee Passage of Bipartisan Rohingya GAP Act

July 11, 2024 Washington, DC — Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement upon the passage through Committee of the bipartisan ‘‘Rohingya Genocide Accountability and Protection Act’’, or the...

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ARNO welcome the Rohingya Act

The Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) extends profound gratitude to the United States Congress for the historic enact of the Rohingya Genocide Accountability and Protection (GAP) Act, commonly referred to as the Rohingya Act.This critical legislation marks...

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Joint Statement: Rohingya Facing Existential Threat In Arakan

Rohingya organisations call for urgent international humanitarian assistance JOINT STATEMENT Out of 600,000 Rohingya left in Arakan or Rakhine State after the genocidal attacks of 2016-2017, we estimate that only one third remain in their original homes. Tens of...

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Assessment of the Annan Commission Recommendations

Assessment of the Annan Commission Recommendations

I. Introduction Recently, significant activity concerning the Rohingya repatriation to the Arakan have taken place between the Government of Bangladesh and the military junta in Myanmar. Parallel to these bilateral initiatives, many governments are beginning to...

Rohingya Library


Press  Release

ARNO condemns Aerial Assault on Rohingya by Arakan Army

ARNO has strongly condemned the series of drone attacks by the Arakan Army targeting Rohingya civilians and homes in several Rohingya villages with intent to destroy or force the remaining Rohingya people to flee from Maungdaw town and surrounding areas. On 5th August...

ARNO commemorates democracy activists executed in Burma

It has been two years since pro-democracy activists; Phyo Zeyar Thaw, Kyaw Min Yu (Ko Jimmy), Hla Myo Aung, and Aung Thura Zaw, were executed by the Myanmar military junta in 2022. Their deaths were reportedly the first judicial executions to take place in the country...

Meeks Celebrates Committee Passage of Bipartisan Rohingya GAP Act

July 11, 2024 Washington, DC — Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement upon the passage through Committee of the bipartisan ‘‘Rohingya Genocide Accountability and Protection Act’’, or the...

ARNO welcome the Rohingya Act

The Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) extends profound gratitude to the United States Congress for the historic enact of the Rohingya Genocide Accountability and Protection (GAP) Act, commonly referred to as the Rohingya Act.This critical legislation marks...

Joint Statement: Rohingya Facing Existential Threat In Arakan

Rohingya organisations call for urgent international humanitarian assistance JOINT STATEMENT Out of 600,000 Rohingya left in Arakan or Rakhine State after the genocidal attacks of 2016-2017, we estimate that only one third remain in their original homes. Tens of...

Landmark visit by Ethnic and Religious Minority Groups from Burma

[NEW YORK – 23 OCTOBER] Representatives of a diverse cross-section of Burmese ethnic and religious minority groups, including representatives of the Rohingya, Burmese Muslim, Kachin, Chin, and Karen communities, concluded an important diplomatic visit to New York as...

Experts Writing

Coming To Defense Of Persecuted Is Noble And Not Bullying – OpEd

On Friday, December 27, 2019, a resolution titled “Situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar”was passed with an overwhelming majority of votes during the 74th session of UN General Assembly at its 52nd resumed meeting, held at...

The arc of history can bend towards justice for the Rohingya

* Any views expressed in this opinion piece are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. What happened to the Rohingya is a stain on the history of humanity. But the arc of history has a way of bending towards justice. Nurul Islam is the Chairman of...

Traditional Homeland of Rohingya in Myanmar

The area between west bank of Kaladan River and east bank of Naf River, which demarcates Myanmar-Bangladesh border, in North Arakan is known as “Traditional Homeland of Rohingya”. It has been deeply implanted the minds of the Rohingya people despite changes in...

Safe Zone For Rohingya In Myanmar

Since Gen. Ne Win’s military coup in Burma/Myanmar in 1962, the Rohingya have faced continuous process of de-legitimisation, institutionalised persecution, crimes against humanity and worsening abuses culminating into one of the gravest genocides of the modern era....

The Rohingya are not going home to Myanmar. Can Bangladesh cope?

Azeem Ibrahim is a director at the Center for Global Policy and author of “Rohingyas: Inside Myanmar’s Genocide.” Bangladesh is once again calling for the establishment of "safe zones" for the Rohingya in Myanmar so that it can begin resettling some of the 1...

The Myth of ‘Bengali Migration’ to Arakan Debunked

By Dr. Habib Siddiqui Abstract Genocidal crimes don’t happen in vacuum and require groundwork from the racist and bigoted elements to state and non-state actors to prepare the support base and mobilize the dominant group to perpetrate such heinous crimes. For decades,...

Deafening silence over Rohingya issue

Harun Yahya

Despite the atrocities being committed against the Muslims of Arakan, better known as Rohingyas, the international community has so far done nothing to protect these people. The world appears to be sitting on the fence, as these people are being systematically persecuted.

This minority Muslim community in Myanmar — termed the most persecuted people living on the face of earth — has been turned into refugees in their own country. The Rohingyas are a people with no civil rights and from time to time subjected to indiscriminate violence. The world became slightly acquainted with these people following the violent attacks and acts of arson of 2012.

It’s Neo-Nazi Racism, Stupid!

Dr. Habib Siddiqui

In his book – Worse Than War – Daniel Jonah Goldhagen says that during mass murders, the murderers themselves, their supporters and those who wish to stand idly by practice linguistic camouflage. And this has been the case with the apartheid regime in Myanmar when it comes to its national project towards exterminating or purging out the Rohingyas.

Muslim influence in the kingdom of Arakan

14 November 2011


Muslim Arakanese or Rohingya are indigenous to Arakan. Having genealogical linkup with the people of Wesali or Vesali kingdom of Arakan, the Rohingya of today are a perfect example of its ancient inhabitants.


The early people in Arakan were descended from Aryans. They were Indians resembling the people of Bengal. “The area now known as North Arakan had been for many years before the 8th century the seat of Hindu dynasties. In 788 A.D. a new dynasty, known as the Chandras, founded the city of Wesali; this city became a noted trade port to which as many as a thousand ships came annually;… their territory extended as far north as Chittagong; …Wesali was an easterly Hindu kingdom of Bengal following the Mahayanist form of Buddhism and that both government and people were Indian..”[1]


20 November 2011


In recent months, series of anti-Rohingya campaigns afloat inside and outside of Burma. To the surprise of everyone, inflammatory writings are often posted on a few websites, face books and blogs that reveal deep-seated ill-will against the peace loving Rohingyas.

Muslim influence in the kingdom of Arakan

14 November 2011


Muslim Arakanese or Rohingya are indigenous to Arakan. Having genealogical linkup with the people of Wesali or Vesali kingdom of Arakan, the Rohingya of today are a perfect example of its ancient inhabitants.

Rebuttal to U Khin Maung Saw’s misinformation on Rohingya


02 November 2011

During recent years we have read series of depraved propagandas by a group of fanatics, who are restless to tarnish the image of the Rohingya people, under the pretext of so-called scholars/academics/Burmese experts preaching annihilation of the Rohingyas, a predominantly Muslim community in Arakan, Burma.  One of them is U Khin Maung Saw, a Rakhine Buddhist living in Berlin, who recently wrote a foul-mouthed and blasphemous paper titled Islamization of Burma Through Chittagonian Bengalis as “Rohingya Refugees”.

Rohingya History

Rohingya History

Burmese invasion of Arakan and the rise of non Bengali settlements in Bangladesh Origin of the Tribes of Chittaging Hill Tract (CHT) By Abid Bahar, Canada Introduction: Arakan was a medieval kingdom located at the edge of South Asia became a province of Burma after the Burmese invasion in 1784 and the subsequent annexation of it with Burma. To the people of India and Bangladesh, Arakan became sadly memorable for the tragic massacre of the Moghul prince Shah Suja and his entire family by the Arakanese king Sandathudamma. It is important to note that Shah Suja before taking shelter in Arakan was the Moghul Govornor of Bengal (1639-60) and was being chased by the Moghal General Mir Jumbla. Suja was given the assurance of assylum by the Arakanese Mogh king.

The Significance of the term “Kula” for the Rohingyas and the Burmese Muslims
 By  Abid Bahar
 In ancient times dark skinned people dotted around the coastal regions from Africa, south India, up to the Papua New Genia. Under attack from the light skinned organized band of people from the north against these dark skinned Negroids (seen not being quite human, or at best demons,) these people continued to retreat to the coastal areas and in some places under pressure slowly disappeared. In Malaysia, the majority muslim population is a crossbreeds between these dark skinned people with Indian, Arab, Negroid, and Mongoloid population.
The advent of Islam in Arakan and the Rohingyas

The advent of Islam in Arakan and the Rohingya presented at the Seminar organised by Arakan Historical Society at Chittagong Zila Parishad Hall, Chittagong, on December 31, 1995, with Co-operation Chittagong University.

Rohingya Culture

Myanmar Cuts Off Aid to Devastated Rohingya Populations

As of last week, a humanitarian crisis began unfolding in Myanmar’s north eastern Rakhine state, as aid agencies, such as the International Rescue Committee and the International Organisation for Migration, have been blocked from entering the townships of Rathidaung...

Rohingya Books

MYANMAR: A People Facing Buddhist Violence

Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) has a population of 48 million, 15 percent of whom are Muslims. Most of the rest are Buddhists. The Muslims live in the Arakan region of the country.

Burma’s Lost Kingdoms: Splendors Of Arakan by Pamela Gutman, A Book Reviews
By Habib Siddiqui
Al-Jazeerah, January 13, 2006
For centuries, before the current poisonous situation in which one community does not recognize another, Arakan was a place of harmony and mutual trust in which the two major religious communities (Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims) thrived side by side as sister communities. All this happened because of the first of the Mrauk-U kings who had sought and got help from the Muslim Sultan of Bengal in 1430 CE to restore his kingdom. In the centuries that were to follow, the minority Muslims became essentially the royal guards, generals, ministers and advisers.