Date: April 4, 2019
A Rohingya consultation Meeting, consisting of Rohingya politicians and activists worldwide, was held on 30-31 March 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It discussed various issues of national importance, including the serious problem of the Arakan Rohingya Union (ARU) that jeopardises the interest of the Rohingya people.
After strong deliberation, the meeting reached the conclusion that:
- The Arakan Rohingya Union is a very important platform for the Rohingya people. Unfortunately, it has lost its credibility and representative character due to serious breach of public trust by its Director General Dr. Wakar Uddin, who has violated the agreed upon principles and framework of the ARU.
- The Director General of the ARU Dr. Wakar Uddin has totally ignored the vast majority of the Rohingya people, including credible worldwide Rohingya civil society organisations, Rohingya intellectuals, elite, refugees and genocide survivors both inside and outside of Burma/Myanmar. Dr. Wakar Uddin has completely disregarded the global demonstration rallied by the Rohingya people in Refugees camps in Bangladesh and all around the world that reflected denouncing his representation for the Rohingya people. The Rohingya people have lost confidence in Dr. Wakar Uddin for his indulgence in activities detrimental to the interest of the Rohingya community.
- The Rohingya people have felt great anguish that the activities of ARU under Dr. Wakar Uddin, have caused tremendous confusion, disunity and harmful effects among the Rohingya population. Most of his unilateral actions, including press releases, statements and interviews add insult to the Rohingya community’s collective injury.
- In the face the ongoing genocide, the Rohingya people strongly demand for a viable ARU on the basis of Rohingya people’s mandate in order to represent their legitimate cause and case in accordance with the hopes and aspiration of the persecuted Rohingya people. It is also imperative that further deceptions and manipulations by Dr. Wakar Uddin has to be stopped once and for all.
In support and solidarity with the Rohingya people, we demand for immediate credible reformation of the ARU under the supervision of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in accordance with the wishes of the Rohingya people and founding principles of the ARU.
1. Arakan Rohingya National Organisation | UK
2. Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
3. Burmese Rohingya Community in Australia
4. Burmese Rohingya Association in Japan
5. Canadian Rohingya Development Initiative
6. Canadian Burmese Rohingya Organisation
7. Rohingya Women Development Network | Malaysia
8. Burmese Rohingya Community in Denmark
9. Rohingya Today
10.Rohingya Vision
11.Kaladan Press Network
12.World Rohingya Organisation | USA
13.Rohingya American Society
14.Rohingya Women Welfare Society | Bangladesh
15.Rohingya Soceity of Greater Nashua | USA
16.Rohingya Community and Education Centre, Georgia | USA
17.Al Falah Community Centre Chicago | USA
18.Rohingya Association of Canada
19.Rohingya Advocacy Network Japan
20.Rohingya Culture Centre Chicago | USA
21.Los Angeles Rohingya Society | USA
22.Burmese Rohingya Community of Wisconsin
For more Information please contact:
- Nurul Islam: + 44 794 7854652
- Tun Khin: +44 788 8714866
- Nay San Lwin: +49 176 62139138
- Mohiuddin Yusof: +1 716 5441803